Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why pink....

I have received this incredulous glance from several folks here regarding the color scheme of my blog.
Pink: Its this floral color which is considered to be a highly feminine color...(with some comments there) and I simply love this color. I don't know why this color appeals to me so much but it there!
Of course, it wouldn't be surprising, with this piece of information, that my bed room back home is stark pink and all the accessories are the same hue. Well, what can i say? Since pink floyd is NOT my favorite band (i'm not sure how this is relevant), well everything pink does not appeal to me so I hope I am granted a slight concession in my choice of colors.
All there is to say on this is: Cheers to Pink!!!!!!!
P.S: I just remembered: Penelope Pitstop is not my favorite animated character either!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day....

It seems however old we get (and i'm NOT that old!!! ), there is always something happening which I have never experienced before. I suppose this is what we call life but whatever it is, it certainly makes "life" waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more exciting than earlier. Moving to my new abode was something that happened with the course of time with plenty of external circumstances making this path the most obvious thing to happen.
Yeah, yeah, im just trying to put the blame on someone else' s shoulders but then don't we all want to do that???
(Purists/ idealists please dont answer that!!!)
Well, anyway, without further deviation, it was the first day here and the first class here and the first meet here ...... and the first of everything...well, ok some things (just to make it further ambiguous :-))
The point is (was there really one????), the day was great, I felt at home and..... keep your fingers crossed!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Missouri's Golden Girls

To all you guys drooling away, this was really a treat from heaven.
Quoting a bystander (an indian i might add): By Golden Girls, do you mean blondes????
Ans: No, it need not be blondes (bystander sighed!) but these are the cheerleading squad at Missouri Columbia cheering the Mizzou Tigers.
These gals were fantastic and performed their shows (do i call them items???) with full aplomb.
This was the welcome treat from the entire cheerleading squad as well as the music band to all the newcomers on campus. The band had all the instruments to make it effective and (i might add) loud.
The trumpets and drums dominated the rhythm which was fast paced and extremely catching. Add to it the cheerleaders with their pom-poms and the gals with their flags and the effect was mind blowing. They played the American National anthem and it made me proud to be a part of an organization which takes such pride in its origin and is such a perfectionist.
Proud to be a Tiger!!!